/* exam54, eine ältere Version von SMASS */
:- multifile fact/3 .
% „sim“ (basic programm for SMASS)
/* some new lines unite the list of variables */
consult(para), consult(pred), consult(rules), consult(display),
( exists_file(results), delete_file(results)
( exists_file(data), delete_file(data)
modes(L), make_list_of_variables(L,LV),
( X = no,
; X = yes, consult(data)
check_inconsistent_parameters :- actors(AS),
gridwidth(G), G1 is G*G,
( AS =< G1
G1 < AS, write(too_many_actors_for_the_grid), fail
make_list_of_variables(L,LV) :- asserta(list_of_variables([])),
( between(1,E,NM), build_list_of_variables(NM,L), fail ; true ),
list_of_variables(LV), retract(list_of_variables(LV)),!.
build_list_of_variables(NM,L) :- nth1(NM,L,M), variables_in_rule(M,LM),
list_of_variables(LVdyn), append(LVdyn,LM,Lnew),
retract(list_of_variables(LVdyn)), asserta(list_of_variables(Lnew)),!.
make_reduced_list_of_variables(L,LV,RLV) :-
( between(1,EV,NV), minimize_list_of_variables(NV,LV), fail ; true),!,
list_of_variables(RLV), retract(list_of_variables(RLV)),!.
minimize_list_of_variables(NV,LV) :- list_of_variables(LVdyn),
( member(V,LVdyn)
create_data(L,RLV) :-
( between(1,EV,NV), nth1(NV,RLV,VAR), make(VAR), fail ; true ),
retractall(int_loc(WW1,WW2,WW3)), /* muss verallgemeinert werden */
make_global_data(L) :- actors(AS), make_characters(AS,L).
% —————————————————————————————————-
begin :- runs(RR), periods(TT),
( between(1,RR,R), mainloop(R,TT), fail; true ), !,
mainloop(R,TT) :-
findall(X,fact(0,0,X),L), length(L,E),
( between(1,E,Z), nth1(Z,L,FACT), append(results),
write(fact(R,1,FACT)), write(‚.‘), nl, told,
asserta(fact(R,1,FACT)), retract(fact(0,0,FACT)), fail
; true
), append(results), nl, told,
( between(1,TT,T), kernel(R,T), fail; true ),
retract_facts :- ( fact(X,Y,Z), retract(fact(X,Y,Z)), fail; true ).
kernel(R,T) :-
actors(AS), findall(I,between(1,AS,I),L),
( between(1,AS,N), choose_and_activate_actor(R,T,N), fail
), retract(actor_list(L1)),
prepare_indivi(R,T) :- modes(LM), length(LM,EM),
( between(1,EM,NM), nth1(NM,LM,MOD), prepare(R,T,MOD), fail ; true),!.
choose_and_activate_actor(R,T,N) :- actor_list(L), length(L,E),
Y is random(E)+1, nth1(Y,L,A), activate(R,T,A), delete(L,A,L1),
retract(actor_list(L)), asserta(actor_list(L1)),!.
activate(R,T,A) :- check_environment(R,T,A),
( execute_protocols(R,T,A)
( act_in_mode(M,A,R,T) ; true)
), !.
check_environment(R,T,A) :- true.
execute_protocols(R,T,A) :- protocol(M,A,R,T).
adjust(R,T) :- modes(L),
length(L,E), actors(AS),
( between(1,E,X), individual_adjust(X,R,T,AS,L), fail; true ),
append(results), nl, told,!.
individual_adjust(X,R,T,AS,L) :- nth1(X,L,Z),
( between(1,AS,A), adjust(Z,A,R,T), fail ; true),!,
global_adjust(R,T) :- T1 is T+1, repeat,
( fact(R,T,FACT), retract(fact(R,T,FACT)), asserta(fact(R,T1,FACT)),
append(results), write(fact(R,T1,FACT)), write(‚.‘), nl, told,
; true
choosemode(R,T,A,M) :-
fact(R,T,character(A,C,SUM)), length(C,K),
Z is random(SUM * 1000)+1, asserta(aux_sum(0)),
between(1,K,X), do1(X,Z,C,Y), Z =< Y , nth1(X,L,M),
do1(X,Z,C,Y) :- aux_sum(S), nth1(X,C,C_X), Y is S + (C_X * 1000),
retract(aux_sum(S)), asserta(aux_sum(Y)),!.
% ————————————————————————————-
make_pictures :- modes(LM), length(LM,EM),
consult(results), /* this file should be reduced */
( between(1,EM,NM), nth1(NM,LM,MOD), make_picture(MOD), fail ; true),!.
/* ———————————————–
Die Datei create54
(this module generates characters and data in SMASS) */
:- dynamic fact/3 .
make_characters(AS,L) :- build_up_characters(AS,L),
build_up_characters(AS,L) :- length(L,E),
( between(1,E,X), make_distribution(X,L,E,AS), fail ; true ),
( between(1,AS,A), collect_characters(L,E,A), fail ; true),
retractall(dd_expr(M1,M2,M3)), !.
make_distribution(X,L,E,AS) :- nth1(X,L,M), weights(M,EX,LIST),
make_discrete_distribution(M,AS,EX,LIST), !.
collect_characters(L,E,A) :- asserta(character(A,[])),
( between(1,E,X), nth1(X,L,M), add_character(M,A), fail; true ),!.
add_character(M,A) :- dd_expr(M,A,C), character(A,L1), append(L1,[C],L2),
retract(character(A,L1)), asserta(character(A,L2)),!.
export_results(AS) :- ( between(1,AS,A), export_res(A), fail; true),!.
export_res(A) :- character(A,L2), calculate_sum(L2,SUM),
write(fact(0,0,character(A,L2,SUM))), write(‚.‘), nl, told,
% ———————————————————————————
make(wealth_dono) :- actors(AS), domain_of_wealth_dono(L,U),
sigma_wealth_dono(SI), normal_distribution(wealth_dono,AS,L,U,SI),
( between(1,AS,A), nd_expr(wealth_dono,A,W), append(data),
write(fact(0,0,wealth_dono(A,W))), write(‚.‘), nl, told,
retract(nd_expr(wealth_dono,A,W)), fail
; true
make(wealth_take) :- actors(AS), domain_of_wealth_take(L,U),
sigma_wealth_take(SI), normal_distribution(wealth_take,AS,L,U,SI),
( between(1,AS,A), nd_expr(wealth_take,A,W), append(data),
write(fact(0,0,wealth_take(A,W))), write(‚.‘), nl, told,
retract(nd_expr(wealth_take,A,W)), fail
; true
make(strength) :- actors(AS), weights(strength,LIST),
( between(1,AS,A), dd_expr(strength,A,W), append(data),
write(fact(0,0,strength(A,W))), write(‚.‘), nl, told,
retract(dd_expr(strength,A,W)), fail
; true
make(location) :- actors(AS), gridwidth(G), G1 is G*G,
findall(X,between(1,G1,X), L), asserta(cell_list(L)),
( between(1,AS,A), locate(A), fail ; true),
locate(A) :- cell_list(L), length(L,E), X is random(E)+1, nth1(X,L,Y),
gridwidth(G), decompose(Y,I,J,G),
append(data), write(fact(0,0,location(A,I,J))), write(‚.‘), nl, told,
retract(cell_list(L)), asserta(cell_list(L1)),!.
make(colour) :- actors(AS),
( between(1,AS,A), set_colour(A), fail ; true),!.
set_colour(A) :-
N is I+J,
N1 is N mod 2, append(data),
( N1 =:= 0, write(fact(0,0,colour(A,white))), write(‚.‘), nl
write(fact(0,0,colour(A,black))), write(‚.‘), nl
), told, nl, !.
/* —————————————————
Die Datei data54 */
fact(0, 0, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(0, 0, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(0, 0, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(0, 0, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(0, 0, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(0, 0, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(0, 0, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_dono(1, 286)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_dono(2, 285)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_dono(3, 255)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_dono(5, 264)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_dono(6, 262)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(0, 0, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(0, 0, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(0, 0, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(0, 0, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(0, 0, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(0, 0, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(0, 0, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(0, 0, colour(1, black)).
fact(0, 0, colour(2, white)).
fact(0, 0, colour(3, white)).
fact(0, 0, colour(4, white)).
fact(0, 0, colour(5, black)).
fact(0, 0, colour(6, white)).
fact(0, 0, colour(7, white)).
fact(0, 0, strength(1, 1)).
fact(0, 0, strength(2, 1)).
fact(0, 0, strength(3, 1)).
fact(0, 0, strength(4, 1)).
fact(0, 0, strength(5, 2)).
fact(0, 0, strength(6, 2)).
fact(0, 0, strength(7, 1)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_take(6, 161)).
fact(0, 0, wealth_take(7, 148)).
/* —————————————————–
Die Datei display54
The programs displaying some actions relativ to a given action type.
picture for donothin */
:- dynamic fact/3 .
make_picture(donothin) :-
VV1 = ‚Picture-‚, concat(VV1,donothin,Vd1),
new(@donothin, picture(Vd1)), send(@donothin, open),
asserta(object_list(donothin,[])), height(donothin,H),
send(@donothin, display, new(AXISUP, line(5,5,5,175,first))),
send(@donothin, display, new(AXISRIGHT, line(5,175,350,175,second))),
activate_picture(donothin,R,H). /* NM = 1, MOD = donothin, R a run */
make_objects(donothin,TT) :- height(donothin,H),
( between(1,TT,A), make_dots(donothin,A,H), fail; true),!.
make_dots(donothin,A,H) :- A1 is 5+5*A,
send(@donothin, display, new(BT, circle(4)), point(A1,50)),
object_list(donothin,OL), append(OL,[BT],OL1), retract(object_list(donothin,OL)),
make_other_objects(donothin) :-
send(@donothin, display, new(@W11, text(‚actor‘)), point(20,175)),
send(@W11, flush),
send(@donothin, display, new(@W12, text(’number‘)), point(60,175)),
send(@W12, flush),!.
activate_picture(donothin,R,H) :- object_list(donothin,OL),
( between(1,AS,A), display_run(donothin,A,OL,R,H), sleep(1), fail; true),!.
display_run(donothin,A,OL,R,H) :- update(donothin,A),
( between(1,TT,T), make_wealth_dono(R,T,A,OL,H), fail
; true
make_wealth_dono(R,T,A,OL,H) :-
fact(R,T,wealth_dono(A,WA)), magnify_by(MAG), W is MAG*WA, Y1 is H-W,
nth1(T,OL,OT), X1 is 5+5*T,
get(OT, position, point(X,Y)),
send(OT, position, point(X1,Y1)),
send(OT, fill_pattern, colour(red)),
% ————————————————————
% schellin
make_picture(schellin) :-
VV2 = ‚Picture-‚, concat(VV2,schellin,Vd2),
new(@schellin, picture(Vd2)), send(@schellin, open),
make_objects(schellin,TT) :- height(schellin,H),
notrace, /* 2 = NM , in para */
gridwidth(G), size_of_boxes(S), GG is G*G,
( between(1,G,I), make_row(I,G,S), fail; true),!.
make_row(I,G,S) :- ( between(1,G,J), make_column(I,J,S), fail ; true),!.
make_column(I,J,S) :- I1 is (I-1)*S, J1 is (J-1)*S,
send(@schellin, display, new(E, box(S,S)), point(I1,J1)),
object_list(schellin,L), append(L,[E],L1), asserta(object_list(schellin,L1)),
make_other_objects(schellin) :-
send(@schellin, display, new(@W21, text(‚period‘)), point(20,162)),
send(@W21, flush),
send(@schellin, display, new(@W22, text(’number‘)), point(60,162)),
send(@W22, flush),!.
activate_picture(schellin,R) :-
actors(AS), periods(TT), object_list(schellin,L),
( between(1,TT,T), display_period(schellin,R,T,AS,G,L), sleep(1), fail ; true),
display_period(schellin,R,T,AS,G,L) :- G1 is G*G,
( between(1,G1,X), nth1(X,L,OB), send(OB, fill_pattern, colour(white)),
send(OB, flush), fail
; true
( between(1,AS,A), display(schellin,R,T,G,L,A), fail ; true),!.
display(schellin,R,T,G,L,A) :-
fact(R,T,location(A,I,J)), N is (I-1)*G+J, nth1(N,L,OB),
( C = black, X = colour(black)
C = white, X = colour(blue)
send(OB, fill_pattern, X), send(OB, flush),!.
% ——————————————————————————-
% picture for takeweak
make_picture(takeweak) :-
VV3 = ‚Picture-‚, concat(VV3,takeweak,Vd3),
new(@takeweak, picture(Vd3)), send(@takeweak, open),
send(@takeweak, display, new(AXISUP, line(5,5,5,160,first))),
send(@takeweak, display, new(AXISRIGHT, line(5,160,400,160,second))),
asserta(object_list(takeweak,[])), height(takeweak,H),
periods(TT), choose_run(R),
make_objects(takeweak,TT,R) :-
actors(AS), asserta(oblist(takeweak,[])),
( between(1,AS,B), make_cell(B,R), fail ;true),
oblist(takeweak,L), asserta(oblist(takeweak,L)), !.
make_cell(B,R) :-
J is 140, I is 5 + (B-1)*20, I1 is I + 10,
send(@takeweak, display, new(E, box(10,20)), point(I,J)),
send(@takeweak, display, new(F, box(10,20)), point(I1,J)),
send(@takeweak, flush),
oblist(takeweak,L), append(L,[[E,F]],L1),
make_other_objects(takeweak) :-
send(@takeweak, display, new(@W1, text(‚period‘)), point(20,162)),
send(@W1, flush),
send(@takeweak, display, new(@W2, text(’number‘)), point(60,162)),
send(@W2, flush),!.
activate_picture(takeweak,R) :-
choose_run(R), make_maxima(R), /* R the run in para */
periods(TT), actors(AS),
( between(1,TT,T), depict_period(takeweak,T,AS,R), fail ; true),!,
ask_for_end, destroy(Answer),!.
depict_period(takeweak,T,AS,R) :-
( between(1,AS,A), update(takeweak,T,A,R), fail; true),!,
send(@takeweak,flush), sleep(1),!.
update(MOD,T) :- obj(MOD,O), send(O,string,T), send(O,flush),!.
update(takeweak,T,A,R) :-
oblist(takeweak,OBL1), nth1(A,OBL1,[OA1,OA2]),
fact(R,T,strength(A,SA)), SA1 is 5*SA,
get(OA1, position, point(X,Y)), Y1 is 160 – SA1,
send(OA1, position, point(X,Y1)), send(OA1,height,SA1),
send(OA1, fill_pattern, colour(green)),
fact(R,T,wealth_take(A,V1)), max_val(MAX),
get(OA2, position, point(X2,Y2)),
( V1 =< 0, V is 0; V is (V1/MAX)*20 ), Y3 is 160-V,
send(OA2, position, point(X2,Y3)),send(OA2,height,V),
send(OA2, fill_pattern, colour(blue)),
make_maxima(R) :-
findall(V,fact(R,T,wealth_take(A,V)),L1), sort(L1,L2),
length(L2,E2), nth1(E2,L2,MAX1), asserta(max_val(MAX1)),!.
ask_for_end :-
new(@d, dialog(‚Display‘)),
send(@d, append, new(TI, text_item(type_End, “))),
send(@d, append, button(ok, message(@d,return,TI?selection))),
get(@d, confirm, Answer),
send(@d, destroy),!.
destroy(Answer) :- send(@takeweak, destroy).
/* ——————————————————–
Die Datei para54
(file of parameters for SMASS)
proper constants ————————— */
% boolean constants —————————————–
% modes( [takeweak,donothin,schellin ]).
% modes([takeweak]).
% constants relative to an action type ———————–
domain_of_wealth_dono(50,500). sigma_wealth_dono(20).
/* ————————————————
Die Datei pred54
(auxiliary predicates for SMASS) */
:- dynamic fact/3 .
normal_distribution(N,AS,L,U,SI) :- MU is L + (0.5 * (U-L)),
( between(1,AS,A), determine_nd_value(N,MU,SI,L,U,A), fail; true),!.
determine_nd_value(N,MU,SI,L,U,A) :- repeat, X is
X4 is (1/10000) * (((X-1) * U)+(10001-X) * L), W is integer(X4),
PI is pi, X1 is 2*(PI * (SI * SI)), X2 is (1 / sqrt(X1)),
X3 is (-((W-MU)*(W-MU))) / (SI*SI), Y is X2 * exp(X3),
W1 is random(10001)+1, Z is (W1-1)/10000, Z =< Y, between(L,U,W),
asserta(nd_expr(N,A,W)), !.
make_discrete_distribution(N,AS,EX,LIST) :-
( between(1,AS,A), determine_dd_value(N,A,EX,LIST), fail; true ),!.
determine_dd_value(N,A,EX,LIST) :- X is random(100)+1,
between(1,EX,Z), nth1(Z,LIST,W_Z), X < W_Z, assert( dd_expr(N,A,Z)),!.
calculate_sum(L,S) :- asserta(counter(0)), length(L,E),
( between(1,E,X), auxpred(L,X) , fail ; true), counter(S),
auxpred(L,X) :- nth1(X,L,N), counter(C), C1 is C+N,
retract(counter(C)), asserta(counter(C1)), !.
make_nbh(moore,N,I,J,L) :- gridwidth(G), ( N=1, moore_nbh_1(G,I,J,L)
; 1 < N, moore_nbh_1(G,I,J,L2), asserta(auxlist(I,J,L2)),
length(L2,K), ( between(1,K,X), mnbh(X,L2,N,G,I,J), fail ; true),
auxlist(I,J,L5), delete(L5,[I,J],L6), sort(L6,L),
mnbh(X,L2,N,G,I,J) :- nth1(X,L2,Y), Y=[I1,J1], N1 is N-1,
make_nbh(moore,N1,I1,J1,L3), auxlist(I,J,L4), append(L4,L3,L5),
retract(auxlist(I,J,L4)), asserta(auxlist(I,J,L5)), !.
moore_nbh_1(G,I,J,L) :- recalculate_neg(G,I,1,Im),
recalculate_neg(G,J,1,Jm), recalculate_pos(G,I,1,Ip),
L = [[I,Jm],[Im,Jm],[Im,J],[Im,Jp],[I,Jp],[Ip,Jp],[Ip,J],[Ip,Jm]].
recalculate_neg(G,I,H,I1) :- X is I-H, ( ( 0 < X, I1 is X
; 0 =:= X, I1 is G ) ; X < 0, I1 is (G+I)- H ),!.
recalculate_pos(G,I,H,I1) :- X is I+H, ( ( I < G, X =< G, I1 is X
; I =:= G, (H > 0, I1 is H; H =:= 0, I1 is G) ) ; I < G, X > G,
I1 is (H+I)-G ),!.
make_nbh(von_Neumann,N,I,J,L) :- gridwidth(G), ( N=1,
von_Neumann_nbh_1(G,I,J,L) ; 1 < N, von_Neumann_nbh_1(G,I,J,L2),
asserta(auxlist(I,J,L2)), length(L2,K),
( between(1,K,X), vNnbh(X,L2,N,G,I,J), fail ; true),
retractall(auxlist(A,B,L8)) ),!.
vNnbh(X,L2,N,G,I,J) :- nth1(X,L2,Y), Y=[I1,J1], N1 is N-1,
make_nbh(von_Neumann,N1,I1,J1,L3), auxlist(I,J,L4), append(L4,L3,L5),
retract(auxlist(I,J,L4)), asserta(auxlist(I,J,L5)), !.
von_Neumann_nbh_1(G,I,J,L) :- recalculate_neg(G,I,1,Im),
recalculate_neg(G,J,1,Jm), recalculate_pos(G,I,1,Ip),
recalculate_pos(G,J,1,Jp), L = [[I,Jm],[Im,J],[I,Jp],[Ip,J]].
decompose(Y,I,J,G) :- between(1,G,Z), Y =< Z*G, Z1 is Z-1, I is Z,
J is Y-(Z1*G),!.
/* —————————————————-
Die Datei rules54
(the action rules in SMASS)
RULE 1: donothin'. The person intentionally does not do anything.
domain_of_wealths(50,500). sigma_wealths(20). exist_min(20). */
:- dynamic fact/3 .
prepare(R,T,donothin) :- true.
act_in_mode(donothin,A,R,T) :-
feasible(donothin,A,R,T) :-
fact(R,T,wealth_dono(A,W)), exist_min(E),
E1 is 3*E, W1 is W-E1, W1 > 0,!.
chooseaction(donothin,A,R,T) :- true,!.
perform(donothin,A,R,T) :- fact(R,T,wealth_dono(A,W)), W1 is W-5,
protocol(donothin,A,R,T) :- fail.
adjust(donothin,A,R,T):- true.
adjust(donothin,R,T) :- true.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% RULE 2: schellin‘. The person move to a better location, if she likes the
% new ambience. This rule is synchronous because an actor can move only once in a
% period.
prepare(R,T,schellin) :-
asserta(occupied([])), gridwidth(G),
G1 is G*G, findall(X,between(1,G1,X),CL),
( between(1,AS,A), subtract_cell(A,CL,R,T,G), fail ; true),!,
list222(LFree), retract(list222(LFree)), asserta(free_cells(LFree)),!.
subtract_cell(A,CL,R,T,G) :- fact(R,T,location(A,I,J)),
( member(B,CL), decompose(B,I,J,G), list222(LFree),
subtract(LFree,[B],LFreenew), retract(list222(LFree)), asserta(list222(LFreenew))
act_in_mode(schellin,A,R,T) :- feasible(schellin,A,R,T),
chooseaction(schellin,A,R,T), perform(schellin,A,R,T),!.
feasible(schellin,A,R,T) :- true.
chooseaction(schellin,A,R,T) :-
fact(R,T,location(A,I,J)), scan_neighbourhood(A,G,I,J,R,T,ANSWER),
( ANSWER=yes ; calculate_move(A,R,T,G,schellin) ),!.
calculate_move(A,R,T,G,schellin) :-
free_cells(LFree), length(LFree,EFree),
( between(1,EFree,X), check_cell(X,R,T,A,G,LFree,schellin), fail ;true),!,
pot_cells(LC), length(LC,EE), retract(pot_cells(LC)),
( between(1,EE,NC), nth1(NC,LC,C), enter(C), fail ; true),!,
yes_list(LYES), retract(yes_list(LYES)),
( LYES = [] /* does not */
LYES \= [], compare1(LYES,Locu,LL),
( LL = [] /* does not */
LL \= [], nth1(1,LL,IntC), nth1(1,IntC,B), nth1(2,IntC,I), nth1(3,IntC,J),
IntCnew = [A,I,J],
append(Locu,[IntCnew],Locunew), retract(occupied(Locu)),
compare1(LYES,Locu,LL) :-
length(LYES,EL), asserta(list111([])),
( between(1,EL,Z), compare_cell(Z,LYES,Locu), fail ; true),!,
list111(LL), retract(list111(LL)),!.
compare_cell(Z,LYES,Locu) :- nth1(Z,LYES,C), nth1(1,C,B), nth1(2,C,UU), nth1(1,UU,I), nth1(2,UU,J),
U = [X,I,J],
( member(U,Locu) /* nichts machen */
list111(LL), append(LL,[U],LLnew), retract(list111(LL)), asserta(list111(LLnew))
enter(C) :- yes_list(LYES), nth1(3,C,ANS),
( ANS = yes , append(LYES,[C],LYESnew), retract(yes_list(LYES)),
check_cell(X,R,T,A,G,LFree,schellin) :- nth1(X,LFree,B), decompose(B,I,J,G),
scan_neighbourhood(A,G,I,J,R,T,ANSWER), pot_cells(LL),
append(LL,[[B,[I,J],ANSWER]],LLnew), retract(pot_cells(LL)),
% —————————————————————–
scan_neighbourhood(A,G,I,J,R,T,ANSWER) :-
findall(N,neighb(N,L,R,T),L1), length(L1,E1),
findall(N1, equal_colour(N1,A,L,R,T), L2), length(L2,E2),
( ( E1 =< 2, 1 =< E2; 3 =< E1, E1 =< 5, 2 =< E2 )
6 =< E1, E1 =< 8, 5 =< E2
), ANSWER=yes
neighb(N,L,R,T) :- member([I,J],L), fact(R,T,location(N,I,J)).
equal_colour(N,A,L,R,T) :- member([I,J],L), fact(R,T,location(N,I,J)),
fact(R,T,colour(N,CN)), fact(R,T,colour(A,CA)), CA=CN.
% ———————————————————————
perform(schellin,A,R,T) :- true.
protocol(schellein,A,R,T) :- fail.
adjust(schellin,A,R,T) :-
( LL=[]
LL \= [] ,
( nth1(X,LL,[A,I,J]),
adjust(schellin,R,T) :- free_cells(LFree),
occupied(LL), retract(occupied(LL)),!.
% ————————————————————–
% RULE 3: `takeweak‘. The person takes wealth from a weaker person. Here we find an asynchronous
% rule of a strange -but realistic- way of cheating.
prepare(R,T,takeweak) :- true.
act_in_mode(takeweak,A,R,T) :-
feasible(takeweak,A,R,T) :- exist_min(MIN),
length(NHA,E), asserta(neighlist([])),
( between(1,E,Y), locate(Y,R,T,NHA), fail; true),!,
neighlist(NHL), append(results), write(neighlist(A,i,NHL)), write(‚.‘),
nl, told,
( between(1,E1,X), investigate(R,T,X,NHL,MIN,SA,SS), fail; true),!,
n_strength(LL), length(LL,E2), retract(n_strength(LL)),
( E2 = 0, fail
0 < E2,
sort(LL,LLnew), length(LLnew,E3), nth1(E3,LLnew,WW),
WW = [NB,SB],
locate(Y,R,T,NHA) :- nth1(Y,NHA,[I,J]), fact(R,T,location(B,I,J)),
neighlist(LL), append(LL,[B],LLnew), retract(neighlist(LL)),
investigate(R,T,X,NHL,MIN,SA,SS) :- n_strength(LL),
( nth1(X,NHL,NB), fact(R,T,strength(NB,SB)),
SB < SA,
fact(R,T,wealth_take(NB,WB)), W1 is WB-(3*SS), !,
MIN =< W1, append(LL,[[NB,SB]],LLnew),
retract(n_strength(LL)), asserta(n_strength(LLnew))
chooseaction(takeweak,A,R,T) :- true.
perform(takeweak,A,R,T) :-
neighb(NB), retract(neighb(NB)),
fact(R,T,wealth_take(A,WA)), domain_of_values(SS), S1 is 3*SS,
X is random(S1), WA1 is WA+X, retract(fact(R,T,wealth_take(A,WA))),
asserta(fact(R,T,wealth_take(A,WA1))), T1 is T+1,
protocol(takeweak,A,R,T) :-
fact(R,T,wealth_take(A,WA)), exist_min(MIN), W1 is max(WA-X,MIN),
adjust(takeweak,A,R,T) :- true.
adjust(takeweak,R,T) :- true.
/* —————————————————-
Hier ist die Resultatdatei res54 zu sehen: */
fact(1, 1, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 1, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 1, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 1, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 1, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 1, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 1, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_dono(1, 286)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_dono(2, 285)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_dono(3, 255)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_dono(5, 264)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_dono(6, 262)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(1, 1, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(1, 1, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(1, 1, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(1, 1, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(1, 1, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(1, 1, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(1, 1, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(1, 1, colour(1, black)).
fact(1, 1, colour(2, white)).
fact(1, 1, colour(3, white)).
fact(1, 1, colour(4, white)).
fact(1, 1, colour(5, black)).
fact(1, 1, colour(6, white)).
fact(1, 1, colour(7, white)).
fact(1, 1, strength(1, 1)).
fact(1, 1, strength(2, 1)).
fact(1, 1, strength(3, 1)).
fact(1, 1, strength(4, 1)).
fact(1, 1, strength(5, 2)).
fact(1, 1, strength(6, 2)).
fact(1, 1, strength(7, 1)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_take(6, 161)).
fact(1, 1, wealth_take(7, 148)).
neighlist(2, i, [1, 7, 4, 3, 6]).
neighlist(6, i, [2, 1, 4, 3]).
neighlist(7, i, [2, 5, 4, 3]).
neighlist(4, i, [2, 1, 5, 7, 6]).
neighlist(3, i, [2, 7, 6]).
fact(1, 2, wealth_dono(5, 259)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_dono(1, 281)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_take(6, 208)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_take(7, 148)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(1, 2, strength(7, 1)).
fact(1, 2, strength(6, 2)).
fact(1, 2, strength(5, 2)).
fact(1, 2, strength(4, 1)).
fact(1, 2, strength(3, 1)).
fact(1, 2, strength(2, 1)).
fact(1, 2, strength(1, 1)).
fact(1, 2, colour(7, white)).
fact(1, 2, colour(6, white)).
fact(1, 2, colour(5, black)).
fact(1, 2, colour(4, white)).
fact(1, 2, colour(3, white)).
fact(1, 2, colour(2, white)).
fact(1, 2, colour(1, black)).
fact(1, 2, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(1, 2, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(1, 2, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(1, 2, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(1, 2, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(1, 2, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(1, 2, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_dono(6, 262)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_dono(3, 255)).
fact(1, 2, wealth_dono(2, 285)).
fact(1, 2, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 2, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 2, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 2, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 2, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 2, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 2, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
neighlist(7, i, [2, 5, 4, 3]).
fact(1, 3, wealth_dono(6, 257)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_dono(2, 280)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_dono(3, 250)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_take(4, 93)).
fact(1, 3, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 3, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 3, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 3, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 3, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 3, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 3, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(1, 3, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(1, 3, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(1, 3, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(1, 3, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(1, 3, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(1, 3, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(1, 3, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(1, 3, colour(1, black)).
fact(1, 3, colour(2, white)).
fact(1, 3, colour(3, white)).
fact(1, 3, colour(4, white)).
fact(1, 3, colour(5, black)).
fact(1, 3, colour(6, white)).
fact(1, 3, colour(7, white)).
fact(1, 3, strength(1, 1)).
fact(1, 3, strength(2, 1)).
fact(1, 3, strength(3, 1)).
fact(1, 3, strength(4, 1)).
fact(1, 3, strength(5, 2)).
fact(1, 3, strength(6, 2)).
fact(1, 3, strength(7, 1)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_take(7, 148)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_take(6, 208)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_dono(1, 281)).
fact(1, 3, wealth_dono(5, 259)).
neighlist(3, i, [2, 7, 6]).
neighlist(6, i, [2, 1, 4, 3]).
fact(1, 4, wealth_dono(4, 258)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_dono(1, 276)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_take(6, 249)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_dono(5, 254)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_take(7, 148)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(1, 4, strength(7, 1)).
fact(1, 4, strength(6, 2)).
fact(1, 4, strength(5, 2)).
fact(1, 4, strength(4, 1)).
fact(1, 4, strength(3, 1)).
fact(1, 4, strength(2, 1)).
fact(1, 4, strength(1, 1)).
fact(1, 4, colour(7, white)).
fact(1, 4, colour(6, white)).
fact(1, 4, colour(5, black)).
fact(1, 4, colour(4, white)).
fact(1, 4, colour(3, white)).
fact(1, 4, colour(2, white)).
fact(1, 4, colour(1, black)).
fact(1, 4, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(1, 4, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(1, 4, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(1, 4, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(1, 4, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(1, 4, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(1, 4, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(1, 4, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 4, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 4, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 4, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 4, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 4, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 4, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_take(4, 93)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_dono(3, 250)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_dono(2, 280)).
fact(1, 4, wealth_dono(6, 257)).
neighlist(3, i, [2, 7, 6]).
fact(1, 5, wealth_dono(2, 275)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_dono(6, 252)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_take(4, 52)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_dono(3, 250)).
fact(1, 5, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 5, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 5, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 5, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 5, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 5, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 5, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(1, 5, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(1, 5, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(1, 5, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(1, 5, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(1, 5, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(1, 5, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(1, 5, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(1, 5, colour(1, black)).
fact(1, 5, colour(2, white)).
fact(1, 5, colour(3, white)).
fact(1, 5, colour(4, white)).
fact(1, 5, colour(5, black)).
fact(1, 5, colour(6, white)).
fact(1, 5, colour(7, white)).
fact(1, 5, strength(1, 1)).
fact(1, 5, strength(2, 1)).
fact(1, 5, strength(3, 1)).
fact(1, 5, strength(4, 1)).
fact(1, 5, strength(5, 2)).
fact(1, 5, strength(6, 2)).
fact(1, 5, strength(7, 1)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_take(7, 148)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_dono(5, 254)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_take(6, 249)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_dono(1, 276)).
fact(1, 5, wealth_dono(4, 258)).
neighlist(2, i, [1, 7, 4, 3, 6]).
fact(1, 6, wealth_dono(6, 247)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_dono(7, 269)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_dono(3, 245)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_dono(4, 253)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_dono(5, 249)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_dono(1, 276)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_take(6, 249)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_take(7, 148)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(1, 6, strength(7, 1)).
fact(1, 6, strength(6, 2)).
fact(1, 6, strength(5, 2)).
fact(1, 6, strength(4, 1)).
fact(1, 6, strength(3, 1)).
fact(1, 6, strength(2, 1)).
fact(1, 6, strength(1, 1)).
fact(1, 6, colour(7, white)).
fact(1, 6, colour(6, white)).
fact(1, 6, colour(5, black)).
fact(1, 6, colour(4, white)).
fact(1, 6, colour(3, white)).
fact(1, 6, colour(2, white)).
fact(1, 6, colour(1, black)).
fact(1, 6, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(1, 6, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(1, 6, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(1, 6, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(1, 6, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(1, 6, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(1, 6, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(1, 6, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 6, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 6, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 6, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 6, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 6, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(1, 6, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_take(4, 52)).
fact(1, 6, wealth_dono(2, 275)).
fact(2, 1, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 1, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 1, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 1, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 1, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 1, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 1, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_dono(1, 286)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_dono(2, 285)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_dono(3, 255)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_dono(5, 264)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_dono(6, 262)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(2, 1, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(2, 1, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(2, 1, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(2, 1, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(2, 1, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(2, 1, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(2, 1, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(2, 1, colour(1, black)).
fact(2, 1, colour(2, white)).
fact(2, 1, colour(3, white)).
fact(2, 1, colour(4, white)).
fact(2, 1, colour(5, black)).
fact(2, 1, colour(6, white)).
fact(2, 1, colour(7, white)).
fact(2, 1, strength(1, 1)).
fact(2, 1, strength(2, 1)).
fact(2, 1, strength(3, 1)).
fact(2, 1, strength(4, 1)).
fact(2, 1, strength(5, 2)).
fact(2, 1, strength(6, 2)).
fact(2, 1, strength(7, 1)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_take(6, 161)).
fact(2, 1, wealth_take(7, 148)).
neighlist(4, i, [2, 1, 5, 7, 6]).
neighlist(3, i, [2, 7, 6]).
fact(2, 2, wealth_dono(5, 259)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_dono(6, 257)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_dono(1, 281)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_take(7, 148)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_take(6, 161)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_take(5, 131)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(2, 2, strength(7, 1)).
fact(2, 2, strength(6, 2)).
fact(2, 2, strength(5, 2)).
fact(2, 2, strength(4, 1)).
fact(2, 2, strength(3, 1)).
fact(2, 2, strength(2, 1)).
fact(2, 2, strength(1, 1)).
fact(2, 2, colour(7, white)).
fact(2, 2, colour(6, white)).
fact(2, 2, colour(5, black)).
fact(2, 2, colour(4, white)).
fact(2, 2, colour(3, white)).
fact(2, 2, colour(2, white)).
fact(2, 2, colour(1, black)).
fact(2, 2, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(2, 2, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(2, 2, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(2, 2, location(4, 2, 4)).
fact(2, 2, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(2, 2, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(2, 2, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_dono(3, 255)).
fact(2, 2, wealth_dono(2, 285)).
fact(2, 2, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 2, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 2, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 2, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 2, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 2, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 2, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
neighlist(1, i, [2, 5, 4, 6]).
neighlist(5, i, [1, 7, 4]).
neighlist(7, i, [2, 5, 4, 3]).
fact(2, 3, location(4, 1, 2)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_dono(3, 250)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_dono(6, 252)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_dono(2, 280)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_take(5, 153)).
fact(2, 3, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 3, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 3, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 3, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 3, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 3, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 3, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(2, 3, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(2, 3, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(2, 3, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(2, 3, location(5, 2, 1)).
fact(2, 3, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(2, 3, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(2, 3, colour(1, black)).
fact(2, 3, colour(2, white)).
fact(2, 3, colour(3, white)).
fact(2, 3, colour(4, white)).
fact(2, 3, colour(5, black)).
fact(2, 3, colour(6, white)).
fact(2, 3, colour(7, white)).
fact(2, 3, strength(1, 1)).
fact(2, 3, strength(2, 1)).
fact(2, 3, strength(3, 1)).
fact(2, 3, strength(4, 1)).
fact(2, 3, strength(5, 2)).
fact(2, 3, strength(6, 2)).
fact(2, 3, strength(7, 1)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_take(6, 161)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_take(7, 148)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_dono(1, 281)).
fact(2, 3, wealth_dono(5, 259)).
neighlist(6, i, [2, 1, 3]).
neighlist(4, i, [2, 1, 5, 7, 3]).
fact(2, 4, location(5, 2, 4)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_take(7, 126)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_dono(3, 245)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_take(6, 208)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_dono(2, 275)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_dono(1, 276)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_dono(5, 259)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_take(3, 110)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(2, 4, strength(7, 1)).
fact(2, 4, strength(6, 2)).
fact(2, 4, strength(5, 2)).
fact(2, 4, strength(4, 1)).
fact(2, 4, strength(3, 1)).
fact(2, 4, strength(2, 1)).
fact(2, 4, strength(1, 1)).
fact(2, 4, colour(7, white)).
fact(2, 4, colour(6, white)).
fact(2, 4, colour(5, black)).
fact(2, 4, colour(4, white)).
fact(2, 4, colour(3, white)).
fact(2, 4, colour(2, white)).
fact(2, 4, colour(1, black)).
fact(2, 4, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(2, 4, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(2, 4, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(2, 4, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(2, 4, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_dono(4, 263)).
fact(2, 4, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 4, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 4, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 4, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 4, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 4, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 4, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_take(5, 153)).
fact(2, 4, wealth_dono(6, 252)).
fact(2, 4, location(4, 1, 2)).
neighlist(7, i, [4, 2, 5, 3]).
fact(2, 5, wealth_dono(1, 271)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_dono(2, 270)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_take(3, 63)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_dono(4, 258)).
fact(2, 5, location(4, 1, 2)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_dono(6, 252)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_take(5, 153)).
fact(2, 5, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 5, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 5, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 5, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 5, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 5, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 5, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_dono(7, 274)).
fact(2, 5, location(1, 1, 4)).
fact(2, 5, location(2, 1, 3)).
fact(2, 5, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(2, 5, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(2, 5, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(2, 5, colour(1, black)).
fact(2, 5, colour(2, white)).
fact(2, 5, colour(3, white)).
fact(2, 5, colour(4, white)).
fact(2, 5, colour(5, black)).
fact(2, 5, colour(6, white)).
fact(2, 5, colour(7, white)).
fact(2, 5, strength(1, 1)).
fact(2, 5, strength(2, 1)).
fact(2, 5, strength(3, 1)).
fact(2, 5, strength(4, 1)).
fact(2, 5, strength(5, 2)).
fact(2, 5, strength(6, 2)).
fact(2, 5, strength(7, 1)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_dono(5, 259)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_take(6, 208)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_dono(3, 245)).
fact(2, 5, wealth_take(7, 126)).
fact(2, 5, location(5, 2, 4)).
neighlist(4, i, [2, 1, 7, 3]).
neighlist(5, i, [2, 1, 7, 6]).
fact(2, 6, location(2, 2, 1)).
fact(2, 6, location(1, 2, 3)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_dono(7, 269)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_dono(6, 247)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_take(5, 199)).
fact(2, 6, location(5, 2, 4)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_take(7, 126)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_dono(3, 245)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_take(6, 208)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_dono(5, 259)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_take(4, 140)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_take(2, 153)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_take(1, 151)).
fact(2, 6, strength(7, 1)).
fact(2, 6, strength(6, 2)).
fact(2, 6, strength(5, 2)).
fact(2, 6, strength(4, 1)).
fact(2, 6, strength(3, 1)).
fact(2, 6, strength(2, 1)).
fact(2, 6, strength(1, 1)).
fact(2, 6, colour(7, white)).
fact(2, 6, colour(6, white)).
fact(2, 6, colour(5, black)).
fact(2, 6, colour(4, white)).
fact(2, 6, colour(3, white)).
fact(2, 6, colour(2, white)).
fact(2, 6, colour(1, black)).
fact(2, 6, location(7, 2, 2)).
fact(2, 6, location(6, 4, 4)).
fact(2, 6, location(3, 4, 2)).
fact(2, 6, character(7, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 6, character(6, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 6, character(5, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 6, character(4, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 6, character(3, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 6, character(2, [2, 1, 1], 4)).
fact(2, 6, character(1, [1, 1, 1], 3)).
fact(2, 6, location(4, 1, 2)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_dono(4, 258)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_take(3, 63)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_dono(2, 270)).
fact(2, 6, wealth_dono(1, 271)).